K&E Photo


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Entering into a relationship with another person is never a matter of geometry, in which the most important thing is the shortest path, the straight line. On the contrary, long, curving journeys are full of experience, and a wealth of riches to be shared.

We're curious about everything, and our primary universe is that of literature, otherness and the fleeting moment that must be remembered.

If you're interested in our approach, don't hesitate to get in touch with us, and we'll be just as happy to read you as we are to answer your questions.


Usually, a dynamic map with an address and itinerary can be found on any website. As you can see, we have a special relationship with maps. Our location is summed up with a red dot. The one shown here is vaguer, more poetic perhaps, than the usual ones. Its geometry dates back to 1730, and it reminds us that everything is only passage, or even fiction, as our favourite poet has often said. In fact, our desire to stop time through our photos is perhaps inspired by these few lines of his, no doubt inspired in turn by Heraclitus :

To see that the river is made of time and water,

To think of time as another river,

To know that we lose ourselves like a river,

And that destinies fade like water.


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