In a theatrical setting,
A clown stands,
Dressed in a white costume,
His gaze is indefinable.
His stillness imposes his presence on us,
His face looks us straight in the eyes,
And invites us to reflect,
On the human condition,
On its fragility and its resilience.
The clown is a symbol,
Of the human being who tries,
Who fails,
Who makes himself ridiculous,
But who starts over again.
He is also a symbol of solitude,
Of isolation,
Of the difficulty of finding one's place,
In a world that is often cruel and unjust.
Watteau's painting is a major work,
A reflection on the human condition,
An ode to the fragility and resilience of the human being.
Pierrot, version 2023
The low streets of Geneva,
In a mirror of luxury, a young man is reflected,
His gaze is sad, almost expressionless.
He is also dressed in a white coat,
One of the symbols of human vulnerability.
But in his bifurcating double,
Another Pierrot is drawn,
Stronger, more resilient,
Ready to face the future.
Yes …
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