K&E Photo



In the digital age, tools and professions are merging, emerging from a new paradigm.
Engineers, financiers, poets, etc. all sit in front of a screen, concentrated, their bodies in tension.

But what if identical postures were expressed in different contexts? What's more, within a perimeter of just a few dozen meters?

The worker, bent over, powerfully unloads the truck, his muscles stretched, his body deployed to optimize forces. The chocolate seller bows to the counter in a similar attitude, his hands waving as he tells his customers the story behind each piece.


On deck, the captain commands the ship, his uniform and white beard imposing an indisputable authority. His prestige is such that many passengers would be honoured to dine at his table.

The receptionist at the luxury hotel, on a bridge similar to the captain's, welcomes guests.

The fireplace here is a column. Like him, he has a beard and a uniform. Tourists immediately feel valued by such a welcome.



Life is made up of a multitude of codes that are passed on, shared and copied, but stereotypes are nothing but an illusion.

Fortunately, everyone's dreams have nothing to do with their professional postures...

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